
Noun: Abaca; Manila hemp

Bilang ng pantig: 3 {a, ba, ka} 

Dagdág na kaalamán: 

"The world's leading abaca producer is the Philippines, where the plant is cultivated on 130 000 ha by some 90 000 small farmers .While the crop is also cultivated in other Southeast Asian countries, the second largest producing country is Ecuador, where abaca is grown on large estates and production is increasingly mechanized." - Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations; Abaca accessed June 13, 2023

"Abaca has a high potential to substitute glass fibers in multiple automotive parts and is currently well recognized as a material for paper products. Although abaca is mainly cultivated in the Philippines today, supply could be increased if other countries in tropical and humid locations were to establish industry. The knowledge and the experience about production and processing gained can easily be transferred to other countries." - Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations; Abaca accessed June 13, 2023

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