Beginners Tagalog: One On One Premium Class
This program caters to students with zero to little knowledge of the language. Contents are suitable to adult audience only. It requires 24 sessions to complete this program.
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the program, the student will be able to:
- Read and pronounce Tagalog words satisfactorily
- Say common greetings and respond to greetings satisfactorily
- Acquire moderate range of vocabulary
- Talk about himself (or herself) and members of his/her family
- Ask questions and describe few things around him/her
- Construct simple sentences with proper tenses of verbs and satisfactorily uses correct part of speech
How To Sign Up?
- Understand our Terms And Conditions stated above.
- If using a Debit/Credit Card or Google Pay, go to Aralín World Sales Page.
- For other payment methods, send us an email.
- Gurò, Creator curs, Contributor: Albine Bodo

Upper Beginners Tagalog: One On One Premium Class
This is suitable for students with basic knowledge of the language. Contents are suitable to adult audience only. It requires 12 sessions to complete this program.
Applicants must have:
- Known common Tagalog Greetings and Short Responses
- Known how to break Tagalog words into its syllables
- Good understanding of Tagalog articles
- Good understanding of Tagalog pronouns
- Basic understanding of some Tagalog linkers
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the program, the student will be able to:
- Acquire moderate range of vocabulary
- Talk about himself (or herself) and members of his/her family
- Ask questions and describe few things around him/her
- Construct simple sentences with proper tenses of verbs and satisfactorily uses correct part of speech
How To Sign Up?
- Understand our Terms And Conditions stated above.
- If using a Debit/Credit Card or Google Pay, go to Aralín World Sales Page.
- For other payment methods, send us an email.
- Gurò, Creator curs, Contributor: Albine Bodo

Intermediate Tagalog: One On One Premium Class
This is a continuing program to help students advance into a higher knowledge and practice in Tagalog. Only those who finished the Beginners Tagalog Program can be admitted in this class.
Contents are suitable to adult audience only. It requires 24 sessions to complete this program.
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the program, the student will be able to:
- Pronounce Tagalog words accurately, with correct stress, number of syllables and other correct nuances of pronunciation;
- Use appropriate verb tenses and correct parts of speech;
- Acquire sufficient range of vocabulary and use them with their correct meaning;
- Describe, in simple terms, aspects of his/her past, environment and matters related to his/her immediate needs and perform routine tasks requiring basic exchanges of information;
- Deal with most daily life situations in the country where the language is spoken; and
- Describe experiences, dreams and ambitions and give brief reasons for opinions and goals.
How To Sign Up?
- Understand our Terms And Conditions stated above.
- If using a Debit/Credit Card or Google Pay go to Aralín World Sales Page
- For other payment methods, send us an email.
- Gurò, Creator curs, Contributor: Albine Bodo

Upper Intermediate Tagalog: One On One Premium Class
A continuing program to help old students achieve their fluency in Tagalog. Only those who finished the Intermediate Tagalog (Code L201) can be admitted in this course. Ultimate outcome is to confidently engage in a conversation with Filipino native speakers.
Contents are suitable to adult audience only. It requires 24 sessions to complete this program.
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the program, the student will be able to:
- Acquire moderate range of vocabulary and use them with their correct meaning and inflection;
- Handle a variety of uncomplicated, simple, and communicative task and social situations;
- Talk simply about their self and family members;
- Ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations on topics beyond the most immediate needs;
- Deal with most daily life situations in the country where the language is spoken; and
- Describe experiences, dreams and ambitions and give brief reasons for opinions and goals.
How To Sign Up?
- Understand our Terms And Conditions stated above.
- If using a Debit/Credit Card or Google Pay, go to Aralín World Sales Page.
- For other payment methods, send us an email.
- Gurò, Creator curs: Albine Bodo

This aims to build a support group among members of Premium Students that are children of a Filipino.
- Creator curs, Coach: Albine Bodo